a night at the movies

A night at the movies – The Wolf of Wall Street

While in Malmo Sweden we really wanted to watch “The Wolf of Wall Street” so went to the  Royal Theater, They didn’t allow animals so we snuck willie in!

As for a movie night in Sweden…it was not cheap $65 for 2 tickets and a popcorn!

It turned out to be a very long movie and willie passed out quickly. He did wake up and give a loud bark in the scene with a papillon dog, who resembled his Swedish pal “Fidel”. This drew much attention from others in the theatre and we had to act like we didn’t know where the sound came from 😛 What a fun night of breaking rules!

Yoriko gives a meal to a Venezuelan family in Medellin Colombia
The Price of Bread

March 8, 2019

willie in ukraine with the orphans
The Magic Dog

February 5, 2018

willie takes the orhans to a soccer game in medellin
Soccer for a dozen

July 10, 2016


Stand With Ukraine 🇺🇦

willie with the orphans in boyorka ukraineThere are now over 7 million children who are in danger. #standwithukraine

Help willie support orphans
Feeding the Hungry

Yoriko helps hand out food to homeless and displaced Venezuelan familiesWillie’s #FeedTheStreet program provides food to displaced families and the homeless.

Recent Photos

We are providing children with needed supplies.
Together, we can assist those in crisis.
Let's not wait until this is at our doorstep.

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